God's Jukebox - Show 1

Broadcast date - Saturday 22nd April 2006 - 00:00 - BBC Radio 2

Not completely missing from the archive, we acquired the first 15 minutes of this show from a listener who recorded the whole broadcast but only retained the start. Regular listeners won’t be astonished at the opening track and there is a tribute to Bob Harris as Mark is succeeding him in the "Friday Night, Saturday Morning" slot on BBC Radio 2.

We have enough of the show to know that the live session is provided by Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours and the competition CD is a Spencer Wiggins Kent issue.

Note that the early shows in the series are two rather than three hour broadcasts, and the excellent title "God's Jukebox" is yet to be determined.  Yet, as a listener later in the series memorably put it, providing "simple moments of pleasure" is quite clearly the aim from the start.   

Competition CD - Spencer Wiggins - The Goldwax Years

God’s Eternal Jukebox pick -  The Dells - There Is

First Hour

01 - There Is The - Dells
02 - I Still Carry You Around - Steve Earle
03 - Gore Veil  - The Deadly Snakes

If you happen to have a complete copy of this show, we love to include it in the archive. You can get in touch via the email link on our home page menu.